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Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. Sed hendrerit. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Vivamus euismod mauris.

Vivamus consectetuer hendrerit lacus. Pellentesque posuere. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque id odio. Vivamus quis mi.

Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Pellentesque auctor neque nec urna. Pellentesque egestas, neque sit amet convallis pulvinar, justo nulla eleifend augue, ac auctor orci leo non est. In ac felis quis tortor malesuada pretium. Aenean imperdiet.

CHARLES HOUGHTON HOWARD (1899–1978), "Untitled No. 3," 1966. Oil on canvas, 33 1/2 x 47 1/2 in. (detail).
Charles Howard (1899–1978)
Untitled #3 APG 21334D 1966
JULES KIRSCHENBAUM (1930–2000), "Young Woman at a Window," about 1953. Oil on canvas, 30 1/8 x 40 1/4 in. (detail).
Jules Kirschenbaum (1930–2000)
Young Woman at a Window APG 21178D.002 c. 1953
JOHN KOCH (1909–1978), "The Concert, 1954. Oil on canvas, 25 x 30 in. (detail).
John Koch (1909–1978)
The Concert APG 8981 1954
Giorgio Cavallon
Giorgio Cavallon
Composition M 10470D.006 1984
a heavily-painted symbolist painting by Louisa Chase of her signature "cavern" motif
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Untitled M 10299D.031 1979
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Wave M 10299D.005 1982
an expressionistic painting by Louisa Chase of two black trees in a swirl of fire
Louisa Chase (1951–2016)
Untitled (Fire Study) M 10299D.008 1983
a watercolor and ink drawing of a pink cavern by Louisa Chase
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Untitled (Cavern) M 10299D.052 1984
a watercolor and ink drawing of a sunset and hands by Louisa Chase
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Untitled (Sunset with Hands) M 10299D.053 1984
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Untitled M 10299D.019 1987
a gestural abstraction by Louisa Chase of a yellow figure upside-down
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Headstand M 10299D.020 1990
a very gestural painting of a bowl of cherries by Louisa Chase
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Untitled (Bowl of Cherries) M 10299D.025 about 2003
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Untitled M 10299D.006 1982
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Untitled M 10299D.021 1991
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Untitled M 10299D.026 2008
Elaine de Kooning (1920–1989), "Cave #27," 1984. Acrylic on board mounted to linen, 56 x 72 in. (detail).
Elaine de Kooning (1920–1989)
Cave #27 M 10470D.004 1984
Robert Natkin (1930-2010)
Robert Natkin (1930-2010)
Field Mouse Series M 10282D.001 about 1970
Fairfield Porter (1907–1975)
Fairfield Porter (1907–1975)
View from the South Meadow M 10470D.001 1969
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
Before the Divorce M 10294D.013 1976/1999
a complex, surrealist tabletop still life painting by Honoré Sharrer featuring a dog, a pink napkin, flowers, bees and honey
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
Dog M 10413D.001 1984
a surrealist painting by Honoré Sharrer of men playing poker by a riverside as a nude woman falls from the tree above them
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
Poker M 10413D.002 1987
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
Painted Smiles M 10294D.001 1988
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
The Play M 10294D.005 1997
Ray Spillenger (1924–2013)
Ray Spillenger (1924–2013)
Untitled (ZIG 1) M 10265D.003 c. 1965
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
No. 20-1954 M 10164D.008 1954
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
No. 18-1954 M 10164D.007 1954
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
No. 7–1956 1956
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
No. 4–1956 M 10164D.035 1956
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
No. 12-1957 M 10164D.010 1957
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
No. 19-1958 M 10164D.014 1958
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
No. 3 -1960 M 10164D.036 1960
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
No. 30-1960 ("Orange Passage") M 10164D.002 1960
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
No. 59-1960 M 10164D.003 1960
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
No. 31-1960, ("Sea Marks") M 10164D.001 1960
a colorfield painting by Stanley Twardowicz done with an airbrush showing a luminous band of lilac blending into a large dominant field of red
Stanley Twardowicz (1917-2008)
#15-1979 M 10164D.045 1979
a colorfield painting by Stanley Twardowicz done with an airbrush showing a luminous band of blue blending into a large dominant field of orange into a band lilac at the bottom
Stanley Twardowicz (1917-2008)
#26-1983 M 10164D.046 1983
a colorfield painting by Stanley Twardowicz done with an airbrush showing a luminous band of orange blending into a large dominant field of lilac into a block of pink at the bottom
Stanley Twardowicz (1917-2008)
#15-1984 M 10164D.048 1984
a sculpture by Christopher Wilmarth made of glass and steel which served as the maquette for his room-sized masterpiece, "Days on Blue"
Christopher Wilmarth (1943-1987)
Maquette for "Days on Blue" M 10225D.001 1974-77
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