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Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. Sed hendrerit. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Vivamus euismod mauris.

Vivamus consectetuer hendrerit lacus. Pellentesque posuere. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque id odio. Vivamus quis mi.

Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Pellentesque auctor neque nec urna. Pellentesque egestas, neque sit amet convallis pulvinar, justo nulla eleifend augue, ac auctor orci leo non est. In ac felis quis tortor malesuada pretium. Aenean imperdiet.

a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of animals and people floating over a street and trees
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Bedtime Story M 10378D.097 2023
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of a people and animals holding and eating birthday cakes
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled (Birthday) M 10378D.087 2022
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of a girl with pig-tails whose face is a mix of wild patterns and cartoonish animals
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Everyone Wants Me (Self Portrait) M 10378D.086 2020
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of a snakes and spiders intertwined with a sentence about running away from monsters
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled [Catch Me if you Can...] M 10378D.076 2022
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of a scaly green monster about to lick a prone female figure
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled [Open Mouthed Dragon] M 10378D.068 n.d.
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of a horned figure and animals beneath two black clouds, done entirely in black marker
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled [Black Forms] M 10378D.065 n.d.
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of multiple figures and beasts arranged in a grid
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled [Multiple Figures and Animals in Rows] M 10378D.061 2020
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of two women talking, one of whom is pregnant
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Long Time No See....Almost 9 Months M 10378D.053 2020
an abstract, maze-like drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled [Abstract Forms] M 10378D.058 2019
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of multiple women with fantastical beasts
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
He's a Real Butt Headed Devil M 10378D.048 2019
a densely-packed, fantastical drawing of naked figures and wild animals by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled M 10378D.040 about 2018-19
a fantastical drawing of figures and animals walking by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled M 10378D.038 about 2018-19
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of multiple fantastical figures and animals with open mouths and tongues sticking out
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
The Gossips M 10378D.036 about 2018-19
a fantastical drawing of figures on a road by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled [House and Road] M 10378D.033 about 2018-19
a fantastical drawing of figures and animals by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled M 10378D.034 about 2018-19
a fantastical drawing of a man and woman surrounded by animal hybrids by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled M 10378D.039 about 1994-98
a fantastical drawing of a horse and other animals by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled [Vengeance Tale with Horse & Dragon] M 10378D.031 about 1994-98
a densely-packed, fantastical drawing of figures, monsters and animals by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled M 10378D.043 about 1994–98
a fantastical drawing of a man and woman eating surrounded by animals by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled M 10378D.041 about 1994-98
a fantastical drawing of a figure by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled [Drawing No. 1] M 10378D.035 1994
a drawing by self-taught artist James Castle of a coat
James Castle (1899–1977)
Untitled (Coat Drawing) M 10405D.005
a double-sided drawing by self-taught artist James Castle of a bedroom interior
James Castle (1899-1977)
Untitled #795.99 (Bed/ Two sided) M 10405D.003
a double-sided drawing by self-taught artist James Castle of an interior on one side and bedroom on the other side
James Castle (1899-1977)
Untitled (Shed with Friends/ Chair withFriends) [Double-Sided drawing] M 10405D.002
a group of 11 handmade books by self-taught artist James Castle
James Castle (1899-1977)
11 Handmade Books (Group #1) M 10388D.005 mid-20th century
a group of 11 handmade books by self-taught artist James Castle
James Castle (1899-1977)
11 Handmade Books (Group #2) M 10388D.006 mid-20th century
a paper construction/sculpture of a man wearing a blue coat by self-taught artist James Castle
James Castle (1899-1977)
Construction (Figure in Blue-Green Jacket, Red Lips) M 10388D.004 mid-20th century
a paper construction/sculpture of a man wearing a coat by self-taught artist James Castle
James Castle (1899-1977)
Construction (Figure in Pink Coat with Black Buttons) M 10388D.003 mid-20th century
a drawing by self-taught artist Mary P. Corbett of two of her "The Catville Kids" at the Malt Shop; a young woman and a horse-faced woman
Mary P. Corbett (1930-2019)
Untitled ("Darn that huzzy... Sept. 5, 1944 Tues. afternoon") M 10419D.002 1944
a drawing by self-taught artist Mary P. Corbett of two of her "The Catville Kids" at the Malt Shop, with one young woman posed on the countertop
Mary P. Corbett (1930-2019)
Untitled ("The girls are having fun... Sept. 8, 1944") M 10419D.004 1944
a drawing by self-taught artist Mary P. Corbett of her "The Catville Kids" gossiping in the Malt Shop while a cat-faced girl overhears them
Mary P. Corbett (1930-2019)
Untitled ("Dot, Thelma, and Eddy are gossiping... Sept. 19, 1944 Tues. Night") M 10419D.006 1944
a drawing by self-taught artist Mary P. Corbett of two of her "The Catville Kids" getting dressed in a bedroom, one of the young women is dog-faced
Mary P. Corbett (1930-2019)
Untitled ("Tippy + Dot are coming home from ice skating... Fri. Night Dec. 15, 1944") M 10419D.010 1944
a drawing by self-taught artist Mary P. Corbett of her "The Catville Kids" in Tillie's Store, wherein a cat-faced young man is hugging two young women
Mary P. Corbett (1930-2019)
Untitled ("Eddy, Ackie, and Marie are in Tillie's store... Dec. 29, 1944 Fri. afternoon") M 10419D.012 1944
a drawing by self-taught artist Mary P. Corbett of her "The Catville Kids" in which The Lone Ranger talks to a bikini-clad young woman
Mary P. Corbett (1930-2019)
Untitled ("Dotty goes for help because of Addgie... June 18, 1945 Mon. afternoon") M 10419D.013 1945
a double-sided drawing by Self-taught artist Edward Deeds of a heraldic eagle over a cat in a landscape
James Edward Deeds, Jr. (1908-1987)
"DIXEY ARKTECTURE"/ Steamer Ship [175/176] M 10163D.083
Bill Traylor (1854–1949), "Mother and Child," 1939. Pencil and colored pencil on cardboard, 15 1/2 x 11 3/4 in. (detail).
Bill Traylor (1854–1919)
Mother and Child M 10473D.002 1939
Bill Traylor (1854–1949)
Bill Traylor (1854–1949)
Flat-backed Drinker (Drunken Chicken Walk) M 10429D.002 c. 1939–42
BILL TRAYLOR (1854–1949), "Untitled (Three Figures on Construction)," c. 1939–42. Colored pencil and pencil on cardboard, 11 1/4 x 8 3/4 in. (detail).
Bill Traylor (1854–1949)
Untitled (Three Figures on Construction) M 10471D.001 c. 1939–42
BILL TRAYLOR (1854–1949), "Brown Cat with White Face," c. 1939–42. Pencil and poster paint on cardboard, 7 1/2 x 13 1/2 in. (detail).
Bill Traylor (1854–1949)
Brown Cat with White Face M 10269D.001 c. 1939–42
BILL TRAYLOR (1854–1949), "Man Sprouting Hand with Dog and Bird," c. 1939–42. Pencil on cardboard, 11 1/4 x 8 3/4 in. (detail).
Bill Traylor (1854–1949)
Man Sprouting Hand with Dog and Bird M 10429D.001 c. 1939–42
BILL TRAYLOR (1854–1949), "Untitled (Birds, Dog and Man with Green Construction)," c. 1939–42. Colored pencil and pencil on cardboard, 9 3/4 x 8 in. (detail).
Bill Traylor (1854–1949)
Untitled (Birds, Dog and Man with Green Construction) M 10471D.002 c. 1939–42
Bill Traylor (1854–1949), "Blue Man Reading," c. 1940. Pencil and poster paint on cardboard, 11 1/2 x 7 7/8 in. (detail).
Bill Traylor (1854–1949)
Blue Man Reading M 10473D.001 c. 1940
FRANK WALTER (1926–2009), "Coastal Scene with Boat, Cliffs, and Shorebird," Mixed media on paper, 9 3/8 x 6 1/4 in. (detail).
Frank Walter (1926–2009)
Coastal Scene with Boat, Cliffs, and Shorebird M 10431D.002
GEORGE WIDENER (b. 1962), "World Travels #1," 2025. Paint on brown paper napkins, 34 x 34 in. (detail).
George Widener (b. 1962)
World Travels No. 1 M 10472D.001 2025
GEORGE WIDENER (b. 1962), "[Map with Concentric Circles]," 2025. Colored marker, ink, and crayon on notebook paper, 16 1/8 x 21 3/16 in. (detail).
George Widener (b. 1962)
[Map with Concentric Circles] M 10472D.004 2025
GEORGE WIDENER (b. 1962), "Troubleshooter," 2025. Marker, ink, and paint on brown paper, 36 x 33 1/2 in. (detail).
George Widener (b. 1962)
Troubleshooter M 10472D.005 2025
a paint and wood assemblage of eyes by Self-taught artist Purvis Young
Purvis Young (1943-2010)
[Eye of Establishment] M 10369D.013 1980s
a paint and wood assemblage of an angel with an open-mouth by Self-taught artist Purvis Young
Purvis Young (1943-2010)
[Opened Mouth Angel with Striped Slats] M 10369D.004 1980-90
a paint and wood assemblage of an angel framed by carpet remnants by Self-taught artist Purvis Young
Purvis Young (1943-2010)
[Angel with Red Carpet] M 10369D.006 1980-90
a paint, wood  and carpet assemblage of figures and trucks by Self-taught artist Purvis Young
Purvis Young (1943-2010)
[Carpet, People, Trucks] M 10369D.014 late 1980s
a paint and wood assemblage of dancing figures or protesters by Self-taught artist Purvis Young
Purvis Young (1943-2010)
[Dancing Figures/Protestors] M 10369D.012 early 1990s
a painting by self-taught artist Purvis Young of a figure surrounded by Zulu riders and ants
Purvis Young (1943-2010)
[Angel with Ants and Zulu Riders] M 10369D.019 1990s
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