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Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. Sed hendrerit. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Vivamus euismod mauris.

Vivamus consectetuer hendrerit lacus. Pellentesque posuere. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque id odio. Vivamus quis mi.

Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Pellentesque auctor neque nec urna. Pellentesque egestas, neque sit amet convallis pulvinar, justo nulla eleifend augue, ac auctor orci leo non est. In ac felis quis tortor malesuada pretium. Aenean imperdiet.

WASHINGTON ALLSTON (1779–1843), "Head of a Jew," c. 1817. Oil on canvas, 30 x 25 in. Painted in 1817 (detail).
Washington Allston (1779–1843)
Head of a Jew APG 8578 c. 1817
THOMAS ANSHUTZ (1851–1912), Woman Reading at a Desk, c. 1910. Oil on canvas, 26 x 24 in. (detail).
Thomas Anshutz (1851–1912)
Woman Reading at a Desk APG 21154D.002 c. 1910
Edward Armitage (1817–1896)
Edward Armitage (1817–1896)
In Memory of the Great Fire at Chicago 1872
THOMAS BALL (1819–1911), La Petite Pensée, 1871. Marble, 19 1/2 in. high x 13 1/4 in. wide x 8 1/4 in. in deep (detail).
Thomas Ball (1819–1911)
La Petit Penseé APG 21153D.007 1871
Thomas Ball (1819–1911)
Thomas Ball (1819–1911)
Sunshine APG 21153D.006 1872
George Bellows (1882–1925)
George Bellows (1882–1925)
Portrait of Elizabeth Alexander APG 8352 1924
Bernard Boutet de Monvel (1881–1949)
Bernard Boutet de Monvel (1881–1949)
Four Trompe l’Oeil Paintings of Roman Deities for the Home of Mary Benjamin Rogers, Paris HA 6987.001–002 1928–29
BERNARD BOUTET DE MONVEL (French, 1881–1949), "Tennis Allegory of Love 1930," 1929. Oil on canvas, 125 1/2 x 93 1/2 in. (detail).
Bernard Boutet de Monvel (1881–1949)
Tennis Allegory of Love HA 14199D.001–002 1929
Mary Cassatt (1844–1926)
Mary Cassatt (1844–1926)
The Lamp APG 8120 1890–91
JAMES CHAPIN (1887–1975), "Call Girl," 1956–60. Oil on canvas, 36 1/8 x 30 1/2 in. (detail).
James Ormsbee Chapin (1887–1975)
Call Girl APG 21178D.005 1956–60
JAMES STANLEY CONNOR (1857–1904), "Spring (Morning Glory)," 1886. Marble, 19 1/2 x 17 1/2 in. (oval) (detail).
James Stanley Connor (1857–1904)
Spring (Morning Glory) APG 21238D 1886
WILLIAM COUPER (1853–1942), "Evening," c. 1876. Marble relief, 19 in. diameter (detail).
William Couper (1853–1942)
Morning and Evening APG 8758.001–002 1876–82
CHARLES COURTNEY CURRAN (1861–1942), "Girl in Window Seat," 1892. Oil on canvas, 18 3/8 x 26in. (detail).
Charles Courtney Curran (1861–1942)
Girl in Window Seat APG 21345D 1892
THOMAS WILMER DEWING (1851–1938), "May (Springtime, Welcome Sweet Springtime)," before 1921. Oil on canvas, 20 x 24 in. (detail).
Thomas Wilmer Dewing (1851–1938)
May (Springtime, Welcome Sweet Springtime) APG 21332D before 1921
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953), "Diana with Hound," paper cutout, 9 1/2 x 12 in. (sight)
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953)
Diana with Hound APG 21094D.019
THOMAS RIDGEWAY GOULD (1818–1881), "The West Wind," 1874. Marble, 48 in. high. Detail.
Thomas Ridgeway Gould (1818–1881)
The West Wind APG 8844/2 1874
JAMES HENRY HASELTINE (1833–1907), America Honoring Her Fallen Brave, 1867. Marble bust, 29 1/2 in. high (detail).
James Henry Haseltine (1833–1907)
America Honoring Her Fallen Brave APG 8631 1867
ROBERT HENRI (1865–1929), "Portrait of Michael MacNamara (Boy in Green Shirt)," 1925. Oil on canvas, 24 x 20 in. (detail).
Robert Henri (1865–1929)
Portrait of Michael MacNamara APG 21300D 1925
THOMAS HICKS (1823–1890), "The Sisters," 1874. Oil on canvas, 27 1/8 x 20 1/8 in. (detail).
Thomas Hicks (1823–1890)
The Sisters APG 19960D 1874
CHAUNCEY BRADLEY IVES (1810–1894), Ariadne, 1861. Marble bust, 31 in. high (moody, shadowy close-up detail of profile of face).
Chauncey Bradley Ives (1810–1894)
Ariadne APG 8549.002 1861
EVERETT GEE JACKSON (1900–1995), "Girl with Acacia Tree," 1931. Oil on canvas, 27 x 23 in. (detail).
Everett Gee Jackson (1900–1995)
Girl with Acacia Tree APG 20224D 1931
JULES KIRSCHENBAUM (1930–2000), "Young Woman at a Window," about 1953. Oil on canvas, 30 1/8 x 40 1/4 in. (detail).
Jules Kirschenbaum (1930–2000)
Young Woman at a Window APG 21178D.002 c. 1953
JOHN KOCH (1909–1978), "The Concert, 1954. Oil on canvas, 25 x 30 in. (detail).
John Koch (1909–1978)
The Concert APG 8981 1954
FERNAND HARVEY LUNGREN (1857–1932), The Gardens of Luxembourg, c. 1882–84. Oil on canvas, 30 1/2 x 58 1/8 in. (detail).
Fernand Harvey Lungren (1857–1932)
The Gardens of Luxembourg APG 8878 c. 1882–84
WALTER MACEWEN (1860–1943), "Girl Standing with Book," 1900–20. Oil on canvas, 34 1/2 x 24 in. (detail).
Walter MacEwen (1860–1943)
Girl Standing with Book APG 21303D c. 1900–20
HARRY HUMPHREY MOORE (1844–1926), Japanese Girl Promenading, 1881. Oil on wood panel, 10 7/8 x 6 1/4 in. (detail).
Harry Humphrey Moore (1844–1926)
Japanese Girl Promenading APG 8925.001 1881
LILLA CABOT PERRY (1848–1933), "Un Jour de Pluie," 1896. Oil on canvas, 55 x 29 3/4 in. (detail).
Lilla Cabot Perry (1848–1933)
Un Jour de Pluie APG 21273D 1896
JANE PETERSON (1876–1965), "The Engagement Ring," c. 1908–09. Oil on canvas, 50 x 30 in. (detail).
Jane Peterson (1876–1965)
The Engagement Ring APG 8980 c. 1908–09
HIRAM POWERS (1805-1873), "Ginevra," 1841. Marble, 24 in. high (detail).
Hiram Powers (1805–1873)
Ginevera APG 21237D 1841
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Original Painting for Cincinnati Union Terminal Mosiac: Ault and Wiborg (Inks and Varnishes) APG 19476D.014 1930–31
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Separated Spear Woman in Snake Headdress APG 19476D.029 1936
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "Spider Bonnet." Pastel on Whatman board, 39 1/8 x 26 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Spider Bonnet APG 19476D.028
Winold Reiss (1886–1953), "Untitled (Imagination)." Tempera on paper, 19 3/4 x 14 7/8 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Untitled (Imagination) APG 19476D.023
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "Nude Woman Stepping on Land." Tempera on paper, 19 7/8 x 14 7/8 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Nude Woman Stepping on Land APG 19476D.030
Winold Reiss (1886–1953), "Untitled (Male and Female Faces, a Study)." Pastel on black paper, 11 7/8 x 8 7/8 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Untitled (Male and Female Faces, a Study) APG 21028D.012
RANDOLPH JOHN ROGERS (1825–1892), Nydia, the Blind Flower Girl of Pompeii, 1862. Marble, 36 1/2 in. high (detail).
Randolph Rogers (1825–1892)
Nydia, the Blind Flower Girl of Pompeii APG 8881 1862
Everett Shinn (1873–1953)
Everett Shinn (1873–1953)
Julia Marlowe as Barbara Frietchie in the Play, "Barbara Frietchie, The Frederick Girl" APG 20963D/2 1899
JOSEPH STELLA (1877–1946), "Africa," 1930. Oil on canvas, 28 3/4 x 36 1/4 in. (detail).
Joseph Stella (1877–1946)
Africans APG 21299D 1930
Thomas Sully (1783–1872)
Thomas Sully (1783–1872)
Figural Studies APG 8790.002
ROBERT VICKREY (1926–2011), "Clown in Armor," 1961. Egg tempera on gessoed panel, 33 1/2 x 23 7/8 in. Detail.
Robert Vickrey (1926–2011)
Clown in Armor APG 21178D.004 1961
JULIAN ALDEN WEIR (1852–1919), "Dorothy," 1893. Oil on canvas, 33 1/2 x 23 7/8 in. (detail).
Julien Alden Weir (1852–1919)
Dorothy APG 20053D/3.10 1893
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