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Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. Sed hendrerit. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Vivamus euismod mauris.

Vivamus consectetuer hendrerit lacus. Pellentesque posuere. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque id odio. Vivamus quis mi.

Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Pellentesque auctor neque nec urna. Pellentesque egestas, neque sit amet convallis pulvinar, justo nulla eleifend augue, ac auctor orci leo non est. In ac felis quis tortor malesuada pretium. Aenean imperdiet.

Oscar Bluemner (1867–1938)
Oscar Bluemner (1867–1938)
Study for Old Canal, Red and Blue (Rockaway, Morris Canal) APG 8894 1916
Oscar Bluemner (1867–1938)
Oscar Bluemner (1867–1938)
New Hampshire Town APG 8796.001 1931
Charles De Wolf Brownell (1822–1909)
Charles De Wolf Brownell (1822–1909)
View of De Soto's Fort, Havana, Cuba APG 8574.003 1866
Nicolino Calyo (1799–1884)
Nicolino Calyo (1799–1884)
New York and Brooklyn from Williamsburgh APG 8700 1838
Nicolino Calyo (1799–1884)
Nicolino Calyo (1799–1884)
New York from Hoboken APG 20023D.001 c. 1835–40
Nicolino Calyo (1799–1884)
Nicolino Calyo (1799–1884)
Passaic Falls in New Jersey APG 8025.02C c. 1835–40
COLIN CAMPBELL COOPER (1856–1937), "Waldorf Astoria, New York," about 1908. Oil on board, 14 x 10 3/4 in. (detail).
Colin Campbell Cooper (1856–1937)
Waldorf Astoria, New York APG 20054D.001 c. 1908–10
COLIN CAMPBELL COOPER (1856–1937), "Metropolitan Life Tower, Madison Square," about 1909–19. Oil on canvas, 32 5/8 x 20 1/4 in. (detail).
Colin Campbell Cooper (1856–1937)
Metropolitan Life Tower, Madison Square APG 20054D.002 c. 1909–19
JOHN ROGERS COX (1915–1990), "Swamp," 1969. Oil on wood panel, 20 x 30 in. (detail).
John Rogers Cox (1915–1990)
Swamp APG 8924.002 1969
THOMAS FRANSIOLI (1906–1997), "View of Seattle," 1950. Oil on canvas, 21 x 27 in. (detail).
Thomas Fransioli (1906–1997)
View of Seattle APG 21262D 1950
THOMAS FRANSIOLI (1906–1997), "King George Dies," 1952. Oil on canvas, 8 1/4 x 6 1/4 in. (detail)
Thomas Fransioli (1906–1997)
"King George Dies" APG 8189.01 1952
Thomas Fransioli (1906–1997)
Thomas Fransioli (1906–1997)
Edam, Holland APG 8889.002 1955
THOMAS FRANSIOLI (1906–1997), "The Brooklyn Bridge in 1892," 1965. Oil on canvas, 36 1/2 x 48 1/4 in. (detail).
Thomas Fransioli (1906–1997)
The Brooklyn Bridge in 1892 APG 20770D 1965
ANTOINE GUILLEMET (French, 1843–1918), "Paris: La Seine à Conflans-Charenton," 1891. Oil on canvas, 51 1/4 x 78 3/4 in. (detail).
Antoine Guillemet (1843–1918)
Paris: La Seine à Conflans-Charenton HA 6938 1891
Z. VANESSA HELDER (1904–1968), Alterations, about 1948. Watercolor on paper, 19 1/2 x 14 3/4 in. (detail).
Z. Vanessa Helder (1903–1968)
Alterations APG 8227/2.02 c. 1948
EDWARD HOPPER (1882–1967), "Talbot’s House," 1926. Watercolor on paper, 13 7/8 x 20 in. (detail).
Edward Hopper (1882–1967)
Talbot's House APG 21233D 1926
JOSEPH “JOE” JONES (1909–1963), "Demonstration," 1934. Oil on Masonite, 48 1/8 x 72 1/8 in. (detail).
Joseph "Joe" Jones (1909–1963)
Demonstration APG 21230D 1934
FERNAND HARVEY LUNGREN (1857–1932), The Gardens of Luxembourg, c. 1882–84. Oil on canvas, 30 1/2 x 58 1/8 in. (detail).
Fernand Harvey Lungren (1857–1932)
The Gardens of Luxembourg APG 8878 c. 1882–84
FERNAND HARVEY LUNGREN (1857–1932), "Carriage in the Rain," about 1890–1901. Pastel on paper mounted on card, 22 1/2 x 20 in. (detail).
Ferdinand Harvey Lungren (1859–1932)
Carriage in the Rain APG 8982 c. 1890–1901
JANE PETERSON (1876–1965), Open Air Market, Venice, about 1910–20. Oil on canvas, 24 x 18 in. (detail).
Jane Peterson (1876–1965)
Open Air Market, Venice APG 20566D.003 c. 1910–20
Jane Peterson (1876–1965)
Jane Peterson (1876–1965)
Luna Park APG 18675D c. 1918
JANE PETERSON (1876–1965), "Venice," about 1918–20. Gouache on paper, 17 1/2 x 17 1/2 in. (detail).
Jane Peterson (1876–1965)
Venice APG 8737 c. 1918–20
Jane Peterson (1876–1965), "Sultana's Palace, Constantinople," c. 1924. Gouache on paper, 17 7/8 x 24 in. (detail).
Jane Peterson (1876–1965)
Sultana's Palace, Constantinople APG 21217D.003 1924
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Original Painting for Cincinnati Union Terminal Mosiac: Ault and Wiborg (Inks and Varnishes) APG 19476D.014 1930–31
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "City of the Future (Vertical Mural panel "Fb"), 1936. Oil, gold leaf, and gold paint on canvas, 118 x 32 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
City of the Future (Vertical Panel "Fb") APG 21313D 1936
PAUL SAMPLE (1896–1974), San Pedro Harbor, 1937. Oil on canvas, 30 x 40 in.
Paul Sample (1896–1974)
San Pedro Harbor APG 8962 1937
Everett Shinn (1873–1953)
Everett Shinn (1873–1953)
Fifth Avenue APG 8779 1900
NILES SPENCER (1893–1952), In Fairmont, 1951. Oil on canvas, 65 1/2 x 41 1/2 in. (detail).
Niles Spencer (1893–1952)
In Fairmont APG 21170D 1951
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954), "Bethesda Fountain, Central Park," 2003. Watercolor and graphite on paper, 45 x 30 in. (detail).
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Bethesda Fountain, Central Park M 10461D 2003
a watercolor painting by Frederick Brosen of the upper level railing by the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park on a warm Spring day
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Bethesda Fountain Terrace M 10071D.129 2022
a watercolor painting by Frederick Brosen of Central Park's Belvedere Castle seen from across its neighboring pond
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Belvedere Castle M 10071D.128 2021
a watercolor painting by Frederick Brosen of Coney Island with the Wonder Wheel sign in the background
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Wonder M 10071D.127 2020
watercolor painting of bright sky and big buildings on West 74th Street in New York City
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
West 74th Street M 10071D.126 2019
watercolor painting of Grand Street and Broadway intersection in New York City on a rainy day
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Grand Street and Broadway M 10071D.122 2019
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Along the Boardwalk M 10071D.111 2017
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Via Della Spada M 10071D.106 2015
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Rome Rooftops II M 10071D.102 2015
a watercolor painting by Frederick Brosen of the lake in Central Park in autumn
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Central Park M 10411D 2000
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Fall, Bethesda Fountain M 10071D.138 2023
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954), Summer, Belvedere Castle, 2023. Watercolor over graphite on paper, 38 x 28 in. (detail).
Frederick Brosen (b 1954)
Summer, Belvedere Castle M 10071D.137 2023
a painting by Randall Exon of a white propeller sitting by a stretch of window and corrugated metal wall
Randall Exon (b. 1956)
Prop M 10032D.113 2022
a painting by Randall Exon of a boat's teal rudder, up on jacks, sitting in a field
Randall Exon (b. 1956)
Rudder Series, 4 M 10032D.118 2022
a painting by Robert Minervini of a cedar tree growing beside a highway overpass
Robert Minervini (b. 1981)
Cedars from the Concrete M 10307D.024 2017
Robert Minervini (b.1981)
Robert Minervini (b.1981)
New Heights (Grizzly Peak) M 10307D.001 2015
a painting by John Moore of orchids and lilies with an open, industrial loft as a background
John Moore (b. 1941)
Orchids and Lilies M 10095D.096 2021
a painting by John Moore of lilies against an industrial background
John Moore (b. 1941)
Lilies M 10095D.095 2021
looking across a long footbridge
John Moore (b. 1941)
Fountain and Footbridge M 10095D.092 2019
looking across a bridge over a flooded river
John Moore (b. 1941)
High Water M 10095D.087 2019
a rusting bridge over a river
John Moore (b. 1941)
Blue Bay M 10095D.084 2019
sunset through a dirty industrial window
John Moore (b. 1941)
Sixth Hour M 10095D.083 2019
railroad tracks on a bridge over a river
John Moore (b. 1941)
Tuesday M 10095D.091 2018
a landscape painting on an easel in front of an industrial window
John Moore (b. 1941)
Double Dusk M 10095D.082 2018
John Moore (b. 1941)
John Moore (b. 1941)
Canal Walk M 10095D.071 2015
John Moore (b. 1941)
John Moore (b. 1941)
Worth Street Studio M 10095D.069 2015
John Moore (b. 1941)
John Moore (b. 1941)
Distant Voices M 10095D.062 2014–15
John Moore (b. 1941)
John Moore (b. 1941)
Another Time M 10095D.067 2014
John Moore (b. 1941)
John Moore (b. 1941)
Dye Room M 10095D.072 2014
John Moore (b. 1941)
John Moore (b. 1941)
Clearing M 10095D.060 2013
John Moore (b. 1941)
John Moore (b. 1941)
Coming Down M 01845.001 2004
a painting by Stone Roberts of two young women outside a Parisian bakery
Stone Roberts (b. 1951)
Early Summer Evening at the Boulangerie M 10172D.034 2021
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