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Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. Sed hendrerit. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Vivamus euismod mauris.

Vivamus consectetuer hendrerit lacus. Pellentesque posuere. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque id odio. Vivamus quis mi.

Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Pellentesque auctor neque nec urna. Pellentesque egestas, neque sit amet convallis pulvinar, justo nulla eleifend augue, ac auctor orci leo non est. In ac felis quis tortor malesuada pretium. Aenean imperdiet.

A watercolor by Frederick Brosen, executed in 2023, showing a motor boat by the water and houses in the background
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Dawn, Provincetown Bay M 10071D.131 2023
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Flyer's Boat Rental, Provincetown M 10071D.130 2023
a double-sided drawing by Self-taught artist Edward Deeds of a heraldic eagle over a cat in a landscape
James Edward Deeds, Jr. (1908-1987)
"DIXEY ARKTECTURE"/ Steamer Ship [175/176] M 10163D.083
a painting by Randall Exon of a white propeller sitting by a stretch of window and corrugated metal wall
Randall Exon (b. 1956)
Prop M 10032D.113 2022
a painting by Randall Exon of a white motorboat moored on a sandy inlet
Randall Exon (b. 1956)
Evinrude M 10032D.112 2022
a painting by Randall Exon of boat rudders, one orange and one purple, as both boats sit on jacks in a field
Randall Exon (b. 1956)
Rudder Series, 2 M 10032D.116 2022
a painting by Randall Exon of a boat's bright blue rudder, up on jacks, sitting in a field
Randall Exon (b. 1956)
Rudder Series, 3 M 10032D.117 2022
a painting by Randall Exon of a boat's teal rudder, up on jacks, sitting in a field
Randall Exon (b. 1956)
Rudder Series, 4 M 10032D.118 2022
a painting by Randall Exon of a boat's red rudder, up on jacks, sitting in a field
Randall Exon (b. 1956)
Rudder Series, 5 M 10032D.119 2022
a painting by Randall Exon of a white sand beach in Ireland, as gray clouds roll overhead
Randall Exon (b. 1956)
White Sand M 10032D.120 2022
a painting by Randall Exon of a green sailboat, wrapped in a tarp and on a trailer
Randall Exon (b. 1956)
J Class M 10032D.108 2020
a painting of a boat on a trailer next to a dock
Randall Exon (b. 1956)
J Boat M 10032D.106 2018
Randall Exon (b. 1956)
Randall Exon (b. 1956)
Surfer and Bird M 10032D.039 2007
David Ligare (b. 1945)
David Ligare (b. 1945)
Thrown Drapery (Redux) Study 1 M 01852 2004
David Ligare (b. 1945)
David Ligare (b. 1945)
Still Life with Box M 10122D.032 2011
a tabletop still life of peaches, figs and a ceramic pitcher by calm ocean water
David Ligare (b. 1945)
Still Life with Peaches and Figs M 10122D.072 2018
a tabletop still life of wheat, figs and a pomegranate by calm ocean water
David Ligare (b. 1945)
Still Life with Pomegranate, Figs and Wheat M 10122D.075 2021
David Ligare (b. 1945), "A Specific View: Scientia, Arte, Venustas," 2024. Oil on canvas, 48 x 72 in. (detail).
David Ligare (b.1945)
A Specific View (Scientia, Arte, Venustas) (Knowledge, Skill, Beauty) M 10122D.080 2024
railroad tracks on a bridge over a river
John Moore (b. 1941)
Tuesday M 10095D.091 2018
looking across a long footbridge
John Moore (b. 1941)
Fountain and Footbridge M 10095D.092 2019
looking across a bridge over a flooded river
John Moore (b. 1941)
High Water M 10095D.087 2019
a rusting bridge over a river
John Moore (b. 1941)
Blue Bay M 10095D.084 2019
John Moore (b. 1941), "Marker," 2021. Oil on canvas, 46 x 46 in. (detail).
John Moore (b. 1941)
Marker M 10095D.101 2021
John Moore (b. 1941), "Bench by the Sea," 2024. Oil on canvas, 46 x 46 in. (detail).
John Moore (b. 1941)
Bench by the Sea M 10095D.107 2024
Fairfield Porter (1907–1975)
Fairfield Porter (1907–1975)
View from the South Meadow M 10470D.001 1969
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