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Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. Sed hendrerit. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Vivamus euismod mauris.

Vivamus consectetuer hendrerit lacus. Pellentesque posuere. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque id odio. Vivamus quis mi.

Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Pellentesque auctor neque nec urna. Pellentesque egestas, neque sit amet convallis pulvinar, justo nulla eleifend augue, ac auctor orci leo non est. In ac felis quis tortor malesuada pretium. Aenean imperdiet.

GEORGE COPELAND AULT (1891–1948), "Corn from Iowa," 1940. Gouache on paper, 13 1/2 x 19 3/4 in. (detail).
George Ault (1891–1948)
Corn from Iowa APG 8205 1940
Oscar Bluemner (1867–1938)
Oscar Bluemner (1867–1938)
Study for Old Canal, Red and Blue (Rockaway, Morris Canal) APG 8894 1916
Oscar Bluemner (1867–1938)
Oscar Bluemner (1867–1938)
New Hampshire Town APG 8796.001 1931
Bernard Boutet de Monvel (1881–1949)
Bernard Boutet de Monvel (1881–1949)
Four Trompe l’Oeil Paintings of Roman Deities for the Home of Mary Benjamin Rogers, Paris HA 6987.001–002 1928–29
JAMES CHAPIN (1887–1975), "Call Girl," 1956–60. Oil on canvas, 36 1/8 x 30 1/2 in. (detail).
James Ormsbee Chapin (1887–1975)
Call Girl APG 21178D.005 1956–60
JOHN ROGERS COX (1915–1990), "Swamp," 1969. Oil on wood panel, 20 x 30 in. (detail).
John Rogers Cox (1915–1990)
Swamp APG 8924.002 1969
Stuart Davis (1892–1964)
Stuart Davis (1892–1964)
Untitled (Greek Backwards) APG 8893 1921
CHARLES DEMUTH (1883–1935), "Nosegay," about 1925. Watercolor and pencil on paper, 18 x 12 in. (detail).
Charles Demuth (1883–1935)
Nosegay APG 21154D.003 c. 1925
CHARLES DEMUTH (1883–1935), "Garden Flowers," 1933. Watercolor on paper, 13 7/8 x 10 in. (detail).
Charles Demuth (1883–1935)
Garden Flowers APG 8499.001 1933
WILHELM HUNT DIEDERICH (1884–1953), "Window Railings for the James Byrne Residence, 270 Park Avenue, New York," about 1920. Wrought iron and brass,25 3/4 x 64 x 1 1/4 in. (detail).
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953)
Window Railing for the James Byrne Residence, 270 Park Avenue, New York APG 8939/3.002 c. 1920
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953)
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953)
Fighting Cat and Dog APG 21094D.002
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953), "Two Horses," 1931. Paper cutout, 8 x 8 in. (sight).
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953)
Two Horses APG 21094D.003 1931
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953), "Matador and Bull." Paper cutout, 9 x 11 3/8 in. (sight).
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953)
Matador and Bull APG 21094D.006
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953), "Cubist Horse," paper cutout, 7 x 7 in. (sheet)
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953)
Cubist Horse APG 21094D.009
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953), "Matador and Bull." Paper cutout, 4 3/4 x 4 5/8 in. (sight).
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953)
Matador and Bull APG 21094D.013
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953), "Diana with Hound," paper cutout, 9 1/2 x 12 in. (sight)
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953)
Diana with Hound APG 21094D.019
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953), "Greyhounds Playing." Paper cutout, 6 x 11 in. (detail).
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953)
Greyhounds Playing APG 21094D.034
PHILIP EVERGOOD (1901–1973), "Fat of the Land," c. 1940–41. Oil on canvas, 28 x 46 in. (detail).
Philip Evergood (1901–1973)
Fat of the Land APG 21198D c. 1940–41
THOMAS FRANSIOLI (1906–1997), "C Is for Cat," 1950. Oil on canvas, 15 x 18 3/4 in. (detail)
Thomas Fransioli (1906–1997)
C Is for Cat APG 8201.01 1950
THOMAS FRANSIOLI (1906–1997), "View of Seattle," 1950. Oil on canvas, 21 x 27 in. (detail).
Thomas Fransioli (1906–1997)
View of Seattle APG 21262D 1950
THOMAS FRANSIOLI (1906–1997), "King George Dies," 1952. Oil on canvas, 8 1/4 x 6 1/4 in. (detail)
Thomas Fransioli (1906–1997)
"King George Dies" APG 8189.01 1952
Thomas Fransioli (1906–1997)
Thomas Fransioli (1906–1997)
Edam, Holland APG 8889.002 1955
THOMAS FRANSIOLI (1906–1997), "The Brooklyn Bridge in 1892," 1965. Oil on canvas, 36 1/2 x 48 1/4 in. (detail).
Thomas Fransioli (1906–1997)
The Brooklyn Bridge in 1892 APG 20770D 1965
ARNOLD FRIEDMAN (1876–1946), "Leaving on Schedule," 1935. Oil on wood panel, 12 x 27 1/2 in. (detail).
Arnold Friedman (1874–1946)
A Day at Station Y APG 21219D.001–007 1935
O. Louis Guglielmi (1906–1956)
O. Louis Guglielmi (1906–1956)
Tumblers APG 8583 1942
JAMES GUY (1909–1983), The Camouflage Man in a Landscape (A Six-panel Mural), 1939. Oil on Masonite, 83 x 216 in. (detail).
James Guy (1909–1983)
The Camouflage Man in a Landscape (A Six-panel Mural) APG 8978 1939
James Guy (1910–1983), "Untitled (#157)," about 1945–50. Oil on panel with collaged elements and iron rods, 26 x 50 in. (detail).
James Guy (1910–1983)
Untitled (#157) M 10407D.001 c. 1945–50
James Guy (1910–1983), "Untitled (#119)," about 1945–50. Oil on panel with collaged elements and iron rods, 14 5/8 x 26 3/4 in. (detail).
James Guy (1910–1983)
Untitled (#119) M 10407D.002 c. 1945–50
JAMES GUY (1909–1983), "Untitled, 1949. Oil on wood and steel construction on particle board, 36 x 36 in.
James Guy (1910–1983)
Untitled M 01865 c. 1949
Z. VANESSA HELDER (1903–1968), Red Earth and Spotted Cows, about 1942. Watercolor on paper, 17 3/4 x 21 1/2 in. (detail).
Z. Vanessa Helder (1903–1968)
Red Earth and Spotted Cows APG 8414/2 c. 1942
Z. VANESSA HELDER (1904–1968), Alterations, about 1948. Watercolor on paper, 19 1/2 x 14 3/4 in. (detail).
Z. Vanessa Helder (1903–1968)
Alterations APG 8227/2.02 c. 1948
EDWARD HOPPER (1882–1967), "Talbot’s House," 1926. Watercolor on paper, 13 7/8 x 20 in. (detail).
Edward Hopper (1882–1967)
Talbot's House APG 21233D 1926
EDWARD HOPPER (1882–1967), "Study for 'Two Puritans',” about 1945. Charcoal on paper, 8 1/2 x 11 in. (detail).
Edward Hopper (1882–1967)
Study for "Two Puritans" APG 21250D.003 c. 1945
Charles Howard (1899–1978)
Charles Howard (1899–1978)
Excavation APG 8897.002 1932
Charles Howard (1899–1978)
Charles Howard (1899–1978)
Bouquet APG 8871 1932
Charles Howard (1899–1978)
Charles Howard (1899–1978)
Untitled APG 8915.002 1932
Charles Howard (1899–1978)
Charles Howard (1899–1978)
The Factory APG 18857D.005 1934
CHARLES HOUGHTON HOWARD (1899–1978), "Untitled," 1935. Gouache on paper, 13 x 19 1/2 in. (detail).
Charles Howard (1899–1978)
Untitled APG 21249D.001 1935
Charles Howard (1899–1978)
Charles Howard (1899–1978)
Untitled APG 8915.003 1936
CHARLES HOUGHTON HOWARD (1899–1978), "Untitled No. 3," 1966. Oil on canvas, 33 1/2 x 47 1/2 in. (detail).
Charles Howard (1899–1978)
Untitled #3 APG 21334D 1966
EVERETT GEE JACKSON (1900–1995), "Self-Portrait," 1930. Oil on canvas, 11 1/2 x 9 in. (detail).
Everett Gee Jackson (1900–1995)
Self-Portrait APG 20861D.006 1930
EVERETT GEE JACKSON (1900–1995), "Girl with Acacia Tree," 1931. Oil on canvas, 27 x 23 in. (detail).
Everett Gee Jackson (1900–1995)
Girl with Acacia Tree APG 20224D 1931
JOSEPH “JOE” JONES (1909–1963), "Demonstration," 1934. Oil on Masonite, 48 1/8 x 72 1/8 in. (detail).
Joseph "Joe" Jones (1909–1963)
Demonstration APG 21230D 1934
Paul Kelpe (1902–1985)
Paul Kelpe (1902–1985)
Collage Construction APG 8928 1936
JULES KIRSCHENBAUM (1930–2000), "Young Woman at a Window," about 1953. Oil on canvas, 30 1/8 x 40 1/4 in. (detail).
Jules Kirschenbaum (1930–2000)
Young Woman at a Window APG 21178D.002 c. 1953
GEORGE MARINKO (1908–1987), "Harlequin’s Holiday," about 1940–42. Oil on canvas board, 8 x 10 in. Detail.
George Marinko (1908–1989)
Harlequin's Holiday APG 21188D c. 1940–42
REGINALD MARSH (1898–1954), Cabaret, 1938. Tempera and pencil on gessoed panel, 35 3/4 x 23 3/4 in. (detail)
Reginald Marsh (1898–1954)
Cabaret APG 8976 1938
REGINALD MARSH (1898–1954), "Cocktails—5 to 7," 1940. Watercolor and pencil on paperboard, 26 1/2 x 40 in. (detail).
Reginald Marsh (1898–1954)
Cocktails—5 to 7 APG 21356D 1940
GEORGE LOVETT KINGSLAND MORRIS (1905–1975), "Roulade," 1934. Oil on canvas, 25 7/8 x 44 3/4 in. (detail).
George L. K. Morris (1905–1975)
Roulade APG 21257D 1934
GEORGE L. K. MORRIS (1905–1975), "Composition No. 2," 1938. Gouache on paper, 18 1/2 x 13 1/4 in. (detail).
George L. K. Morris (1905–1975)
Composition No. 2 APG 21212D.002 1938
GEORGE LOVETT KINGSLAND MORRIS (1905–1975), Untitled, late 1940s. Gouache on paper, 18 7/8 x 14 3/4 in. (detail).
George L. K. Morris (1905–1975)
Untitled (Abstraction) APG 8941 late 1940s
GUY PÈNE DU BOIS (1885–1958), "Table for Two," 1945. Oil on canvas, 18 1/8 x 22 1/8 in. (detail).
Guy Pène du Bois (1885–1958)
Table for Two APG 21336D 1945
GUY PENE DU BOIS (1885–1958), "At the Bench," 1947. Oil on paper board mounted on Masonite, 25 1/2 x 19 in. (detail).
Guy Pène du Bois (1884–1958)
At the Bench APG 21421D 1947
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Woodstock APG 19476D.006 c. 1916–24
Winold Reiss (1886–1953), "Indian Man." Pastel on paper, 25 x 19 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Indian Man APG 8960 1920
Winold Reiss (1886–1953), "Mexican Girl," 1920. Conté crayon and colored pencil on paper, 19 7/8 x 14 7/8 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Mexican Girl APG 21419D 1920
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "Portrait of Robert Nathaniel Dett," about 1925. Pastel on Whatman board, 20 x 15 1/8 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Portrait of Robert Nathaniel Dett APG 19476D.040 c. 1925
Winold REISS (1886–1953), "Japanese Girl." Pastel on Whatman board, 15 1/8 x 14 5/8 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Japanese Girl APG 19476D.037 c. 1926
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Original Painting for Cincinnati Union Terminal Mosiac: Ault and Wiborg (Inks and Varnishes) APG 19476D.014 1930–31
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "Young Woman in Black Stole," c. 1930–35. Pastel on Whatman board, 30 x 22 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Young Woman in Black Stole APG 19476D.039 c. 1930–35
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "Nicke II," 1931. Pastel on watercolor board, 30 1/8 x 25 5/8 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Nicke II APG 21416D.006 1931
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "Henry (White Dog) Whitford," c. 1931. Mixed media on Whatman board, 30 x 22 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Henry (White Dog) Whitford APG 19476D.038 c. 1931
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "City of the Future (Vertical Mural panel "Fb"), 1936. Oil, gold leaf, and gold paint on canvas, 118 x 32 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
City of the Future (Vertical Panel "Fb") APG 21313D 1936
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Separated Spear Woman in Snake Headdress APG 19476D.029 1936
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "Long Time River Woman (Blackfoot Maiden)," 1943. Mixed media on paper, 29 1/2 x 21 1/4 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Long Time River Woman (Blackfoot Maiden) APG 8989.002 1943
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "Runs Over His Enemy," 1943. Pastel and tempera on paper, 32 x 20 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Runs Over His Enemy APG 21416D.002 1943
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "Girl in Decorative Wrap." Mixed media on watercolor board, 29 7/8 x 21 1/2 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Girl in Decorative Wrap APG 21416D.004
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "Twins." Pastel on Whatman board, 30 x 21 3/4 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Twins APG 21401D
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "Girl with Doll." Mixed media on paper, 29 x 20 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Blackfeet Girl with Doll APG 21351D
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "Spider Bonnet." Pastel on Whatman board, 39 1/8 x 26 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Spider Bonnet APG 19476D.028
Winold Reiss (1886–1953), "Untitled (Imagination)." Tempera on paper, 19 3/4 x 14 7/8 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Untitled (Imagination) APG 19476D.023
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "Nude Woman Stepping on Land." Tempera on paper, 19 7/8 x 14 7/8 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Nude Woman Stepping on Land APG 19476D.030
Winold Reiss (1886–1953), "Untitled (Male and Female Faces, a Study)." Pastel on black paper, 11 7/8 x 8 7/8 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Untitled (Male and Female Faces, a Study) APG 21028D.012
Priscilla Roberts (1916–2001)
Priscilla Roberts (1916–2001)
Home of the Artist APG 12915D c. 1944–45
PAUL SAMPLE (1896–1974), San Pedro Harbor, 1937. Oil on canvas, 30 x 40 in.
Paul Sample (1896–1974)
San Pedro Harbor APG 8962 1937
WILLIAM S. SCHWARTZ (1896–1977), Old Country Bazaar, 1926. Oil on canvas, 36 x 42 in. (detail).
William S. Schwartz (1896–1977)
Old Country Bazaar APG 5519 1926
WILLIAM S. SCHWARTZ (1896–1977), "In a Monastery Garden," 1926. Oil on canvas, 35 x 46 in. (detail).
William S. Schwartz (1896–1977)
In a Monastery Garden APG 21282D 1926
NILES SPENCER (1893–1952), In Fairmont, 1951. Oil on canvas, 65 1/2 x 41 1/2 in. (detail).
Niles Spencer (1893–1952)
In Fairmont APG 21170D 1951
Joseph Stella (1877–1946)
Joseph Stella (1877–1946)
Lily and Bird APG 21042D c. 1919
JOSEPH STELLA (1877–1946), "Two Wood Ducks on a Flowering Branch," about 1920–25. Pencil, crayon, and colored pencil on paper, 25 3/4 x 22 1/4 in. (detail).
Joseph Stella (1877–1946)
Two Wood Ducks on a Flowering Branch APG 8062.02 c. 1920–25
JOSEPH STELLA (1877–1946), "Africa," 1930. Oil on canvas, 28 3/4 x 36 1/4 in. (detail).
Joseph Stella (1877–1946)
Africans APG 21299D 1930
ROBERT VICKREY (1926–2011), "Clown in Armor," 1961. Egg tempera on gessoed panel, 33 1/2 x 23 7/8 in. Detail.
Robert Vickrey (1926–2011)
Clown in Armor APG 21178D.004 1961
ROBERT VICKREY (1926–2011), "Nun Walking a Brick Road." Egg tempera on Masonite, 15 7/8 x 21 7/8 in. Detail.
Robert Vickrey (1926–2011)
Nun Walking a Brick Road M 01859 c. 1964
ROBERT VICKREY (1926–2011), "A Green Thought," about 1999. Egg tempera on gessoed panel, 24 x 17 7/8 in. detail).
Robert Vickrey (1926–2011)
A Green Thought M 01866 c. 1999
ROBERT VICKREY (1926–2011), "Marble Player." Egg tempera on gessoed panel, 11 3/8 x 16 in. Detail.
Robert Vickrey (1926–2011)
Marble Player M 01857
ROBERT VICKREY (1926–2011), "Playground" Egg tempera on Masonite, 30 x 20 in. Detail.
Robert Vickrey (1926–2011)
Playground M 01856
WHEELER WILLIAMS (1897–1972), Pair Gatepost Roosters, 1932. Terra cotta, 34 in. high (detail).
Wheeler Williams (1897–1972)
Pair Gatepost Roosters APG 8845 1932
WILLIAM BAILEY (1930–2020), "Still Life," 1980. Oil on canvas, 40 x 50 in. (detail).
William Bailey (1930–2020)
Still Life M 10454D 1980
Louisa Chase (1951–2016), "Crevice," 1982. Oil on canvas, 60 x 72 in. (detail).
Louisa Chase (1951–2016)
Crevice M 10399D 1982
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
Stanley Twardowicz (1917–2008)
No. 45-1961 M 10164D.004 1961
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