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Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. Sed hendrerit. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Vivamus euismod mauris.

Vivamus consectetuer hendrerit lacus. Pellentesque posuere. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque id odio. Vivamus quis mi.

Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Pellentesque auctor neque nec urna. Pellentesque egestas, neque sit amet convallis pulvinar, justo nulla eleifend augue, ac auctor orci leo non est. In ac felis quis tortor malesuada pretium. Aenean imperdiet.

WASHINGTON ALLSTON (1779–1843), "Head of a Jew," c. 1817. Oil on canvas, 30 x 25 in. Painted in 1817 (detail).
Washington Allston (1779–1843)
Head of a Jew APG 8578 c. 1817
THOMAS ANSHUTZ (1851–1912), Woman Reading at a Desk, c. 1910. Oil on canvas, 26 x 24 in. (detail).
Thomas Anshutz (1851–1912)
Woman Reading at a Desk APG 21154D.002 c. 1910
Edward Armitage (1817–1896)
Edward Armitage (1817–1896)
In Memory of the Great Fire at Chicago 1872
THOMAS BALL (1819–1911), La Petite Pensée, 1871. Marble, 19 1/2 in. high x 13 1/4 in. wide x 8 1/4 in. in deep (detail).
Thomas Ball (1819–1911)
La Petit Penseé APG 21153D.007 1871
Thomas Ball (1819–1911)
Thomas Ball (1819–1911)
Sunshine APG 21153D.006 1872
CECILIA BEAUX (1855–1942)  Mrs. John Frederick Lewis and Her Son, John Frederick Lewis, Jr., 1908. Oil on canvas, 83 3/4 x 48 3/4 in. (detail).
Cecilia Beaux (1855–1942)
Mrs. John Frederick Lewis and Her Son, John Frederick Lewis, Jr. APG 8933 1908
George Bellows (1882–1925)
George Bellows (1882–1925)
Portrait of Elizabeth Alexander APG 8352 1924
Bernard Boutet de Monvel (1881–1949)
Bernard Boutet de Monvel (1881–1949)
Four Trompe l’Oeil Paintings of Roman Deities for the Home of Mary Benjamin Rogers, Paris HA 6987.001–002 1928–29
MARY STEVENSON CASSATT (1844–1926)  The Lamp  Drypoint, soft-ground etching, and aquatint, printed in colors, inked à la poupée, on laid paper,  12 3/4 x 9 15/16 in. (detail).
Mary Cassatt (1844–1926)
The Lamp APG 8120 1890–91
JAMES CHAPIN (1887–1975), "Call Girl," 1956–60. Oil on canvas, 36 1/8 x 30 1/2 in. (detail).
James Ormsbee Chapin (1887–1975)
Call Girl APG 21178D.005 1956–60
JAMES STANLEY CONNOR (1857–1904), "Spring (Morning Glory)," 1886. Marble, 19 1/2 x 17 1/2 in. (oval) (detail).
James Stanley Connor (1857–1904)
Spring (Morning Glory) APG 21238D 1886
WILLIAM COUPER (1853–1942), "Evening," c. 1876. Marble relief, 19 in. diameter (detail).
William Couper (1853–1942)
Morning and Evening APG 8758.001–002 1876–82
THOMAS WILMER DEWING (1851–1938), "May (Springtime, Welcome Sweet Springtime)," before 1921. Oil on canvas, 20 x 24 in. (detail).
Thomas Wilmer Dewing (1851–1938)
May (Springtime, Welcome Sweet Springtime) APG 21332D before 1921
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953), "Diana with Hound," paper cutout, 9 1/2 x 12 in. (sight)
Hunt Diederich (1884–1953)
Diana with Hound APG 21094D.019
THOMAS RIDGEWAY GOULD (1818–1881), "The West Wind," 1874. Marble, 48 in. high. Detail.
Thomas Ridgeway Gould (1818–1881)
The West Wind APG 8844/2 1874
PHILIP LESLIE HALE (1865–1931), "Autumn Fruits," about 1911–12. Oil on canvas, 30 x 25 in. (detail).
Philip Leslie Hale (1865–1931)
Autumn Fruits APG 8992 c. 1911–12
JAMES HENRY HASELTINE (1833–1907), America Honoring Her Fallen Brave, 1867. Marble bust, 29 1/2 in. high (detail).
James Henry Haseltine (1833–1907)
America Honoring Her Fallen Brave APG 8631 1867
ROBERT HENRI (1865–1929), "Lady in Interior," c. 1892–94. Ink on brown paper, 10 1/2 x 8 1/2 in. (detail).
Robert Henri (1865–1929)
Lady in Interior APG 21337D c. 1892–94
ROBERT HENRI (1865–1929), "Portrait of Michael MacNamara (Boy in Green Shirt)," 1925. Oil on canvas, 24 x 20 in. (detail).
Robert Henri (1865–1929)
Portrait of Michael MacNamara APG 21300D 1925
THOMAS HICKS (1823–1890), "The Sisters," 1874. Oil on canvas, 27 1/8 x 20 1/8 in. (detail).
Thomas Hicks (1823–1890)
The Sisters APG 19960D 1874
CHAUNCEY BRADLEY IVES (1810–1894), Ariadne, 1861. Marble bust, 31 in. high (moody, shadowy close-up detail of profile of face).
Chauncey Bradley Ives (1810–1894)
Ariadne APG 8549.002 1861
EVERETT GEE JACKSON (1900–1995), "Girl with Acacia Tree," 1931. Oil on canvas, 27 x 23 in. (detail).
Everett Gee Jackson (1900–1995)
Girl with Acacia Tree APG 20224D 1931
JULES KIRSCHENBAUM (1930–2000), "Young Woman at a Window," about 1953. Oil on canvas, 30 1/8 x 40 1/4 in. (detail).
Jules Kirschenbaum (1930–2000)
Young Woman at a Window APG 21178D.002 c. 1953
JOHN KOCH (1909–1978), "The Concert, 1954. Oil on canvas, 25 x 30 in. (detail).
John Koch (1909–1978)
The Concert APG 8981 1954
FERNAND HARVEY LUNGREN (1857–1932), The Gardens of Luxembourg, c. 1882–84. Oil on canvas, 30 1/2 x 58 1/8 in. (detail).
Fernand Harvey Lungren (1857–1932)
The Gardens of Luxembourg APG 8878 c. 1882–84
WALTER MACEWEN (1860–1943), "Girl Standing with Book," 1900–20. Oil on canvas, 34 1/2 x 24 in. (detail).
Walter MacEwen (1860–1943)
Girl Standing with Book APG 21303D c. 1900–20
HARRY HUMPHREY MOORE (1844–1926), Japanese Girl Promenading, 1881. Oil on wood panel, 10 7/8 x 6 1/4 in. (detail).
Harry Humphrey Moore (1844–1926)
Japanese Girl Promenading APG 8925.001 1881
ERASTUS DOW PALMER (1817–1904), "Resignation," 1855. Marble, 25 7/8 in. high (detail).
Erastus Dow Palmer (1817–1904)
Resignation APG 8390 1855
ERASTUS DOW PALMER (1817–1904), "Evening," 1864. Marble 20 1 /2 in.
Erastus Dow Palmer (1817–1904)
Evening APG 20846D.002 1864
GUY PÈNE DU BOIS (1885–1958), "Table for Two," 1945. Oil on canvas, 18 1/8 x 22 1/8 in. (detail).
Guy Pène du Bois (1885–1958)
Table for Two APG 21336D 1945
LILLA CABOT PERRY (1848–1933), "Children Dancing, II," 1895. Oil on canvas, 48 x 33 1/2 in.
Lilla Cabot Perry (1848–1933)
Children Dancing, II APG 21410D 1895
LILLA CABOT PERRY (1848–1933), "The Pink Beret," c. 1911–12. Oil on canvas, 27 x 21 1/2 in. (detail).
Lilla Cabot Perry (1848–1933)
The Pink Beret APG 8993 c. 1911–12
JANE PETERSON (1876–1965), "The Engagement Ring," c. 1908–09. Oil on canvas, 50 x 30 in. (detail).
Jane Peterson (1876–1965)
The Engagement Ring APG 8980 c. 1908–09
HIRAM POWERS (1805-1873), "Ginevra," 1841. Marble, 24 in. high (detail).
Hiram Powers (1805–1873)
Ginevera APG 21237D 1841
Winold Reiss (1886–1953), "Mexican Girl," 1920. Conté crayon and colored pencil on paper, 19 7/8 x 14 7/8 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Mexican Girl APG 21419D 1920
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Original Painting for Cincinnati Union Terminal Mosiac: Ault and Wiborg (Inks and Varnishes) APG 19476D.014 1930–31
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "Young Woman in Black Stole," c. 1930–35. Pastel on Whatman board, 30 x 22 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Young Woman in Black Stole APG 19476D.039 c. 1930–35
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Separated Spear Woman in Snake Headdress APG 19476D.029 1936
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "Girl in Decorative Wrap." Mixed media on watercolor board, 29 7/8 x 21 1/2 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Girl in Decorative Wrap APG 21416D.004
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "Spider Bonnet." Pastel on Whatman board, 39 1/8 x 26 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Spider Bonnet APG 19476D.028
Winold Reiss (1886–1953), "Untitled (Imagination)." Tempera on paper, 19 3/4 x 14 7/8 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Untitled (Imagination) APG 19476D.023
WINOLD REISS (1886–1953), "Nude Woman Stepping on Land." Tempera on paper, 19 7/8 x 14 7/8 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Nude Woman Stepping on Land APG 19476D.030
Winold Reiss (1886–1953), "Untitled (Male and Female Faces, a Study)." Pastel on black paper, 11 7/8 x 8 7/8 in. (detail).
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Untitled (Male and Female Faces, a Study) APG 21028D.012
THEODORE ROBINSON (1852–1896), "The Layette," c. 1891–92. Oil on canvas, 23 x 15 in. (detail).
Theodore Robinson (1852–1896)
The Layette APG 21420D c. 1891–92
RANDOLPH JOHN ROGERS (1825–1892), Nydia, the Blind Flower Girl of Pompeii, 1862. Marble, 36 1/2 in. high (detail).
Randolph Rogers (1825–1892)
Nydia, the Blind Flower Girl of Pompeii APG 8881 1862
WILLIAM S. SCHWARTZ (1896–1977), "In a Monastery Garden," 1926. Oil on canvas, 35 x 46 in. (detail).
William S. Schwartz (1896–1977)
In a Monastery Garden APG 21282D 1926
Everett Shinn (1873–1953)
Everett Shinn (1873–1953)
Julia Marlowe as Barbara Frietchie in the Play, "Barbara Frietchie, The Frederick Girl" APG 20963D/2 1899
JOSEPH STELLA (1877–1946), "Africa," 1930. Oil on canvas, 28 3/4 x 36 1/4 in. (detail).
Joseph Stella (1877–1946)
Africans APG 21299D 1930
Thomas Sully (1783–1872)
Thomas Sully (1783–1872)
Figural Studies APG 8790.002
ROBERT VICKREY (1926–2011), "Clown in Armor," 1961. Egg tempera on gessoed panel, 33 1/2 x 23 7/8 in. Detail.
Robert Vickrey (1926–2011)
Clown in Armor APG 21178D.004 1961
JULIAN ALDEN WEIR (1852–1919), "Dorothy," 1893. Oil on canvas, 33 1/2 x 23 7/8 in. (detail).
Julien Alden Weir (1852–1919)
Dorothy APG 20053D/3.10 1893
IRVING RAMSAY WILES (1861–1948), "A Woman Seated," c. 1900–10. Pastel on primed canvas, 15 x 11 3/4 in. (detail).
Irving Ramsay Wiles (1861–1948)
A Woman Seated APG 8984 c. 1900–10
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Frederick Brosen (b. 1954)
Via Della Spada M 10071D.106 2015
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of animals and people floating over a street and trees
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Bedtime Story M 10378D.097 2023
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of a people and animals holding and eating birthday cakes
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled (Birthday) M 10378D.087 2022
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of a girl with pig-tails whose face is a mix of wild patterns and cartoonish animals
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Everyone Wants Me (Self Portrait) M 10378D.086 2020
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of a snakes and spiders intertwined with a sentence about running away from monsters
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled [Catch Me if you Can...] M 10378D.076 2022
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of a scaly green monster about to lick a prone female figure
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled [Open Mouthed Dragon] M 10378D.068 n.d.
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of a horned figure and animals beneath two black clouds, done entirely in black marker
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled [Black Forms] M 10378D.065 n.d.
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of multiple figures and beasts arranged in a grid
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled [Multiple Figures and Animals in Rows] M 10378D.061 2020
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of two women talking, one of whom is pregnant
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Long Time No See....Almost 9 Months M 10378D.053 2020
a densely-packed, fantastical drawing of naked figures and wild animals by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled M 10378D.040 about 2018-19
a fantastical drawing of figures and animals walking by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled M 10378D.038 about 2018-19
a drawing by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau of multiple fantastical figures and animals with open mouths and tongues sticking out
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
The Gossips M 10378D.036 about 2018-19
a fantastical drawing of a man and woman surrounded by animal hybrids by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled M 10378D.039 about 1994-98
a densely-packed, fantastical drawing of figures, monsters and animals by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled M 10378D.043 about 1994–98
a fantastical drawing of a man and woman eating surrounded by animals by self-taught artist Jeanne Brousseau
Jeanne Brousseau (b. 1952)
Untitled M 10378D.041 about 1994-98
a drawing by self-taught artist James Castle of a coat
James Castle (1899–1977)
Untitled (Coat Drawing) M 10405D.005
a double-sided drawing by self-taught artist James Castle of a bedroom interior
James Castle (1899-1977)
Untitled #795.99 (Bed/ Two sided) M 10405D.003
a double-sided drawing by self-taught artist James Castle of an interior on one side and bedroom on the other side
James Castle (1899-1977)
Untitled (Shed with Friends/ Chair withFriends) [Double-Sided drawing] M 10405D.002
a group of 11 handmade books by self-taught artist James Castle
James Castle (1899-1977)
11 Handmade Books (Group #1) M 10388D.005 mid-20th century
a group of 11 handmade books by self-taught artist James Castle
James Castle (1899-1977)
11 Handmade Books (Group #2) M 10388D.006 mid-20th century
a paper construction/sculpture of a man wearing a blue coat by self-taught artist James Castle
James Castle (1899-1977)
Construction (Figure in Blue-Green Jacket, Red Lips) M 10388D.004 mid-20th century
a paper construction/sculpture of a man wearing a coat by self-taught artist James Castle
James Castle (1899-1977)
Construction (Figure in Pink Coat with Black Buttons) M 10388D.003 mid-20th century
a thickly-painted boat made of bricks in Chase's early, more cartoonish style
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Untitled (Boat) M 10299D.037 1975
a heavily-painted symbolist painting by Louisa Chase of her signature "cavern" motif
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Untitled M 10299D.031 1979
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Wave M 10299D.005 1982
an expressionistic painting by Louisa Chase of two black trees in a swirl of fire
Louisa Chase (1951–2016)
Untitled (Fire Study) M 10299D.008 1983
a bright yellow and blue sunset sits in a lushly-painted pink background with enfolded hands and arms hidden in the clouds
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Sunset Grip M 10365D 1983
a watercolor and ink drawing of a pink cavern by Louisa Chase
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Untitled (Cavern) M 10299D.052 1984
a watercolor and ink drawing of a sunset and hands by Louisa Chase
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Untitled (Sunset with Hands) M 10299D.053 1984
a gestural abstraction by Louisa Chase of a yellow figure upside-down
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Headstand M 10299D.020 1990
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Untitled M 10299D.021 1991
a gestural abstraction by Louisa Chase of butterflies on a pale blue background
Louisa Chase (1951-2016)
Flutter M 10299D.033 2003
a drawing by self-taught artist Mary P. Corbett of two of her "The Catville Kids" at the Malt Shop; a young woman and a horse-faced woman
Mary P. Corbett (1930-2019)
Untitled ("Darn that huzzy... Sept. 5, 1944 Tues. afternoon") M 10419D.002 1944
a drawing by self-taught artist Mary P. Corbett of two of her "The Catville Kids" at the Malt Shop, with one young woman posed on the countertop
Mary P. Corbett (1930-2019)
Untitled ("The girls are having fun... Sept. 8, 1944") M 10419D.004 1944
a drawing by self-taught artist Mary P. Corbett of her "The Catville Kids" gossiping in the Malt Shop while a cat-faced girl overhears them
Mary P. Corbett (1930-2019)
Untitled ("Dot, Thelma, and Eddy are gossiping... Sept. 19, 1944 Tues. Night") M 10419D.006 1944
a drawing by self-taught artist Mary P. Corbett of two of her "The Catville Kids" getting dressed in a bedroom, one of the young women is dog-faced
Mary P. Corbett (1930-2019)
Untitled ("Tippy + Dot are coming home from ice skating... Fri. Night Dec. 15, 1944") M 10419D.010 1944
a drawing by self-taught artist Mary P. Corbett of her "The Catville Kids" in Tillie's Store, wherein a cat-faced young man is hugging two young women
Mary P. Corbett (1930-2019)
Untitled ("Eddy, Ackie, and Marie are in Tillie's store... Dec. 29, 1944 Fri. afternoon") M 10419D.012 1944
a drawing by self-taught artist Mary P. Corbett of her "The Catville Kids" in which The Lone Ranger talks to a bikini-clad young woman
Mary P. Corbett (1930-2019)
Untitled ("Dotty goes for help because of Addgie... June 18, 1945 Mon. afternoon") M 10419D.013 1945
a painting by Randall Exon of a family sitting together around a small campfire at the beach, with one figure standing on a trampoline
Randall Exon (b. 1956)
The Chesapeake M 10032D.110 2022
a painting by Randall Exon of a house's screened-in porch, showing a single white chair, and a teal garden hose in the foreground
Randall Exon (b. 1956)
September M 10032D.121 2022
a painting by Randall Exon of a white motorboat moored on a sandy inlet
Randall Exon (b. 1956)
Evinrude M 10032D.112 2022
a painting by Angela Fraleigh of a woman lifted from art historical sources reading within a complex and hallucinatory patterned background
Angela Fraleigh (b. 1976)
In an Absent Dream M 10362D.029 2022
a painting by Angela Fraleigh of two women from various art historical sources reading within a complex and hallucinatory patterned background
Angela Fraleigh (b. 1976)
A Word For What Binds M 10362D.028 2022
a painting by Angela Fraleigh of two women from various art historical sources reading within a complex and hallucinatory patterned background
Angela Fraleigh (b. 1976)
Splinters of a Secret Sky: Splinters 2021
a painting by Angela Fraleigh of two women from various art historical sources waking in  a complex tangle of Art Nouveau-patterned swirls
Angela Fraleigh (b. 1976)
Rooted in constellations M 10362D.011 2021
a painting by Angela Fraleigh of two women from various art historical sources waking in a complex tangle of Art Nouveau-patterned swirls
Angela Fraleigh (b. 1976)
Shaking to sound the silent skies M 10362D.013 2021
a painting by Angela Fraleigh of two women from various art historical sources waking in a complex tangle of Art Nouveau-patterned swirls
Angela Fraleigh (b. 1976)
A pang of livid light M 10362D.014 2021
a woman sleeps while another woman watches her in this painting by Angela Fraleigh
Angela Fraleigh (b. 1976)
The stars rise, the moon bends her arc M 10362D.015 2021
a painting by Angela Fraleigh of three women laying in repose, taken from art historical sources
Angela Fraleigh (b. 1976)
From sunset to sunrise M 10362D.016 2021
a painting by Angela Fraleigh of a woman, taken from art historical sources, laying her head on her hand
Angela Fraleigh (b. 1976)
Silent sparks M 10362D.017 2021
a painting by Angela Fraleigh of a close-crop view of a sleeping woman
Angela Fraleigh (b. 1976)
Wait for me there M 10362D.018 2021
a high-key color, painting by Angela Fraleigh of a woman with eyes closed
Angela Fraleigh (b. 1976)
Tumbling into light M 10362D.019 2021
a painting by Angela Fraleigh of women from various art historical sources in a complex tangle of abstract color and plants
Angela Fraleigh (b. 1976)
You'll See Me from a Trillion Miles Away M 10362D.025 2019
renaissance-style nudes in a flat, Japanese-print style background
Angela Fraleigh (b. 1976)
One by one they have vanished into the blank behind their names M 10362D.006 2016
Julie Heffernan (b. 1956)
Julie Heffernan (b. 1956)
Spill (Ashdod) M 10420D.006 2022
a painting by Julie Heffernan of a topless woman in a dense green forest, whose massive gold skirt opens to expose a lush fern with red berries
Julie Heffernan (b. 1956)
Self-Portrait (Lion Birth) M 10420D.013 2022
a painting by Julie Heffernan of a woman sitting in a lushly green flower bed, with gems and coins and stars floating over her head
Julie Heffernan (b. 1956)
Self-Portrait as Throne M 10420D.012 2022
a painting by Julie Heffernan of a nude woman whose body is loosely covered by a skirt of tangled branches, a dense bough of apples springs from her head to form an hourglass shape
Julie Heffernan (b. 1956)
Self-Portrait as Hourglass M 10420D.011 2022
a painting by Julie Heffernan of a woman in the cosmos whose skirt is a landscape full of trees and rivers and waterfalls
Julie Heffernan (b. 1956)
Self-Portrait as Continental Divide M 10420D.009 2022
a painting by Julie Heffernan of a woman in a large red skirt, straddling a tree trunk whose branches contain abstract flowers and scenes from art historical paintings
Julie Heffernan (b. 1956)
Spill (Seed Pod) M 10420D.007 2022
a painting by Julie Heffernan women climbing a tree with bright orange leaves to escape an alligator, hippo, and a pack of wild dogs circling at the foot of the tree
Julie Heffernan (b. 1956)
Spill (Climbers) M 10420D.005 2022
a painting by Julie Heffernan of a woman sitting in a tree over a river whose head is opening and expanding to show a mix of bodies, trees, and flowers
Julie Heffernan (b. 1956)
Self-Portrait as Mad Queen M 10420D.002 2022
a painting by Julie Heffernan of a woman carrying various artefacts while boulders fall all around her
Julie Heffernan (b. 1956)
Self-Portrait with Sanctuary M 10420D.001 2022
a painting by Julie Heffernan of a woman sitting in a lushly green flower bed, with a yellow and red abstract expressionist paint-spills coming from her head, each spill containing smaller pictures of the fall of man
Julie Heffernan (b. 1956)
Spill (The Fall) M 10420D.016 2023
a painting by Julie Heffernan of a woman in a large gold skirt, straddling a tree trunk whose branches contain abstract flowers and art historical depictions of Laocoön
Julie Heffernan (b. 1956)
Spill (Laocoön) M 10420D.015 2023
a painting by Julie Heffernan of a woman in a large gold skirt, straddling a tree trunk whose branches contain abstract flowers and birds
Julie Heffernan (b. 1956)
Spill (Birds) M 10420D.008 2023
A landscape by Colin Hunt showing rocks and the outline of a person
Colin Hunt (b. 1973)
Many-Worlds Interpretation (H.C.H.C.E.c) M 10379D.031 2020
A landscape by Colin Hunt showing rocks and a hidden figure
Colin Hunt (b. 1973)
Many-Worlds Interpretation (H.C.H.L.V.b) M 10379D.032 2021
an egg tempera painting by Colin Hunt of a silhouette's void hovering over a snowy landscape
Colin Hunt (b. 1973)
Many-Worlds Interpretation (H.C.H.P.) M 10379D.022 2022
Colin Hunt (b. 1973), "Untitled (Brook's Edge)," 2024. Watercolor on paper, 30 x 23 in. (detail).
Colin Hunt (b. 1973)
Untitled (Brook's Edge) M 10379D.047 2024
A landscape by Colin Hunt showing rocks and trees and a hidden figure
Colin Hunt (b. 1973)
Untitled (Moss) M 10379D.040 2024
a painting by Robert Minervini of a plants, cactii and Greek sculpture in a futuristic, red niche
Robert Minervini (b. 1981)
Rose Antiqua M 10307D.025 2017
a painting by Stone Roberts of two young women outside a Parisian bakery
Stone Roberts (b. 1951)
Early Summer Evening at the Boulangerie M 10172D.034 2021
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
Before the Divorce M 10294D.013 1976/1999
a complex, surrealist tabletop still life painting by Honoré Sharrer featuring a dog, a pink napkin, flowers, bees and honey
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
Dog M 10413D.001 1984
a surrealist painting by Honoré Sharrer of men playing poker by a riverside as a nude woman falls from the tree above them
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
Poker M 10413D.002 1987
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
Painted Smiles M 10294D.001 1988
a surrealist painting by Honoré Sharrer of a man and woman at the beach with a tabletop arrangement of a pitcher, a shoe, an umbrella and a book in the corner
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
Afternoon at the Beach M 10294D.041 1990
a surrealist work on paper by Honore Sharrer featuring a crying woman and a half-man wearing a sailor's hat
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
Woman with Sailor (Don't Murder Me) M 10294D.020 1992
a work on paper by Honore Sharrer of a man and woman flying in a yellow airplane
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
I Get No Kick in a Plane... M 10294D.035
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
The Play M 10294D.005 1997
a drawing by Honore Sharrer of a family with a large bird next to them
Honoré Sharrer (1920-2009)
Untitled (Couple, Woman, Bird) M 10294D.028 2004-05
Bill Traylor (1854–1949), "Mother and Child," 1939. Pencil and colored pencil on cardboard, 15 1/2 x 11 3/4 in. (detail).
Bill Traylor (1854–1919)
Mother and Child M 10473D.002 1939
Bill Traylor (1854–1949)
Bill Traylor (1854–1949)
Flat-backed Drinker (Drunken Chicken Walk) M 10429D.002 c. 1939–42
BILL TRAYLOR (1854–1949), "Man Sprouting Hand with Dog and Bird," c. 1939–42. Pencil on cardboard, 11 1/4 x 8 3/4 in. (detail).
Bill Traylor (1854–1949)
Man Sprouting Hand with Dog and Bird M 10429D.001 c. 1939–42
BILL TRAYLOR (1854–1949), "Untitled (Birds, Dog and Man with Green Construction)," c. 1939–42. Colored pencil and pencil on cardboard, 9 3/4 x 8 in. (detail).
Bill Traylor (1854–1949)
Untitled (Birds, Dog and Man with Green Construction) M 10471D.002 c. 1939–42
Bill Traylor (1854–1949), "Blue Man Reading," c. 1940. Pencil and poster paint on cardboard, 11 1/2 x 7 7/8 in. (detail).
Bill Traylor (1854–1949)
Blue Man Reading M 10473D.001 c. 1940
a paint and wood assemblage of eyes by Self-taught artist Purvis Young
Purvis Young (1943-2010)
[Eye of Establishment] M 10369D.013 1980s
a paint and wood assemblage of an angel with an open-mouth by Self-taught artist Purvis Young
Purvis Young (1943-2010)
[Opened Mouth Angel with Striped Slats] M 10369D.004 1980-90
a paint and wood assemblage of an angel framed by carpet remnants by Self-taught artist Purvis Young
Purvis Young (1943-2010)
[Angel with Red Carpet] M 10369D.006 1980-90
a paint, wood  and carpet assemblage of figures and trucks by Self-taught artist Purvis Young
Purvis Young (1943-2010)
[Carpet, People, Trucks] M 10369D.014 late 1980s
a paint and wood assemblage of dancing figures or protesters by Self-taught artist Purvis Young
Purvis Young (1943-2010)
[Dancing Figures/Protestors] M 10369D.012 early 1990s
a painting by self-taught artist Purvis Young of a figure surrounded by Zulu riders and ants
Purvis Young (1943-2010)
[Angel with Ants and Zulu Riders] M 10369D.019 1990s
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