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Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. Sed hendrerit. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Vivamus euismod mauris.

Vivamus consectetuer hendrerit lacus. Pellentesque posuere. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque id odio. Vivamus quis mi.

Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Pellentesque auctor neque nec urna. Pellentesque egestas, neque sit amet convallis pulvinar, justo nulla eleifend augue, ac auctor orci leo non est. In ac felis quis tortor malesuada pretium. Aenean imperdiet.

Albert Bierstadt (1830–1902)
Albert Bierstadt (1830–1902)
Indian Encampment, Alaska Oil on paper laid on canvas, 13 x 19 in. APG 20340D.003 c. 1889
GEORGE CALEB BINGHAM (1811–1879), "Landscape: Rural Scenery," 1845. Oil on canvas, 29 x 36 in. (detail).
George Caleb Bingham (1811–1879)
Landscape: Rural Scenery APG 21154D.001 1845
THOMAS BIRCH (1779–1851), "The Sleigh Ride," 1838. Oil on canvas, 18 x 27 in. (detail).
Thomas Birch (1779–1851)
The Sleigh Ride APG 16535D/2 1838
 FERDINAND BRADER (1833–by 1901), "The Property of Elias and Catharina Winter, Oleytown, Berks Co.," 1882. Pencil on paper, 31 1/2 x 51 1/2 in. (detail).
Ferdinand Brader (1833–by 1901)
The Property of Elias and Catharina Winter, Oleytown, Berks Co. APG 8444 1882
Charles De Wolf Brownell (1822–1909)
Charles De Wolf Brownell (1822–1909)
Limestone Cliffs of Bolondrón, Cuba APG 19785D.001 1860
Charles De Wolf Brownell (1822–1909)
Charles De Wolf Brownell (1822–1909)
Tree and Fence, East Hartford, Connecticut APG 8574.004 1862
Charles De Wolf Brownell (1822–1909)
Charles De Wolf Brownell (1822–1909)
View of De Soto's Fort, Havana, Cuba APG 8574.003 1866
Nicolino Calyo (1799–1884)
Nicolino Calyo (1799–1884)
Passaic Falls in New Jersey APG 8025.02C c. 1835–40
JOHN ROGERS COX (1915–1990), "Swamp," 1969. Oil on wood panel, 20 x 30 in. (detail).
John Rogers Cox (1915–1990)
Swamp APG 8924.002 1969
Jasper Francis Cropsey (1823–1900)
Jasper Francis Cropsey (1823–1900)
Head of the Lake APG 20827D 1877
Hippolyte-Camille Delpy (1842–1910)
Hippolyte-Camille Delpy (1842–1910)
Coucher de soleil sur la Seine (Sunset on the Seine) HA 14086D 1899
THOMAS DOUGHTY (1791–1856), "View at Harper’s Ferry, from Below," about 1825–27. Oil on canvas, 17 x 24 in. (detail).
Thomas Doughty (1791–1856)
View at Harper's Ferry, from Below APG 20714D c. 1825–27
THOMAS DOUGHTY (1793–1856), "Gilpin’s Mill on the Brandywine," about 1830–37. Oil on board, 7 3/4 x 11 3/16 in. (detail).
Thomas Doughty (1791–1856)
Gilpin's Mill on the Brandywine APG 20989D.027 c. 1830–37
THOMAS DOUGHTY (1791–1856), "Hudson River Landscape," 1852. Oil on canvas, 38 x 48 in. (detail).
Thomas Doughty (1791–1856)
Hudson River Landscape APG 21191D.001 1852
Sanford Robinson Gifford (1823–1880)
Sanford Robinson Gifford (1823–1880)
A Sketch in Kaatskill Clove APG 20192D.002 c. 1860–65
Sanford Robinson Gifford (1823–1880)
Sanford Robinson Gifford (1823–1880)
Long Branch Beach APG 8898/2 1867
CHILDE HASSAM (1859–1935), "New England Village Street," c. 1891–94. Watercolor on paper, 9 x 11 1/2 in. (detail).
Childe Hassam (1859–1935)
New England Village Street APG 8986 c. 1891–94
CHILDE HASSAM (1859–1935), "Malheur Lake, Eastern Oregon," 1908. Watercolor, pastel, crayon, and Chinese white on paper, 7 x 10 in. (detail).
Childe Hassam (1859–1935)
Malheur Lake, Eastern Oregon APG 21319D.002 1908
Z. VANESSA HELDER (1903–1968), Red Earth and Spotted Cows, about 1942. Watercolor on paper, 17 3/4 x 21 1/2 in. (detail).
Z. Vanessa Helder (1903–1968)
Red Earth and Spotted Cows APG 8414/2 c. 1942
WINSLOW HOMER (1836–1910), "Boys on a Hillside," 1879. Watercolor, gouache, and pencil on paper, 8 1/8 x 11 1/2 in. (detail).
Winslow Homer (1836–1910)
Boys on a Hillside APG 8965 1879
EDWARD HOPPER (1882–1967), "Study for 'Two Puritans',” about 1945. Charcoal on paper, 8 1/2 x 11 in. (detail).
Edward Hopper (1882–1967)
Study for "Two Puritans" APG 21250D.003 c. 1945
David Johnson (1827–1908)
David Johnson (1827–1908)
Franconia, New Hampshire APG 8921 1871
JULES KIRSCHENBAUM (1930–2000), "Destruction of Babel," 1956. Tempera on canvas on Masonite, 15 x 24 in. (detail).
Jules Kirschenbaum (1930–2000)
Destruction of Babel APG 21333D 1956
Henri Le Sidaner (1862–1939)
Henri Le Sidaner (1862–1939)
Le Banc, Gerberoy HA 14211D 1903
Jervis McEntee (1828–1891)
Jervis McEntee (1828–1891)
Lanes APG 20192D.003 1855
JERVIS MCENTEE (1828–1891), "River in the Forest," about 1855. Oil on canvas, 15 1/4 x 10 in. (detail).
Jervis McEntee (1828–1891)
River in the Forest APG 21180D.001 c. 1855
WILLARD LEROY METCALF (1858–1925), "The White Mantle," 1906. Oil on canvas, 26 x 29 in. (detail).
Willard Metcalf (1858–1925)
The White Mantle 1906 APG 21335D
LOUIS REMY MIGNOT (1831–1870), "View of the Fishkill Mountains from Highland Grove," about 1855. Oil on canvas, 25 x 49 in. (detail).
Louis Rémy Mignot (1831–1870)
View of the Fishkill Mountains from Highland Grove APG 21180D.003 c. 1855
JANE PETERSON (1876–1965, "The Beach, Gloucester," about 1915. Gouache on paper, 18 x 24 in. Detail.
Jane Peterson (1876–1965)
The Beach, Gloucester APG 21193D c. 1915
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Winold Reiss (1886–1953)
Woodstock APG 19476D.006 c. 1916–24
Everett Shinn (1873–1953)
Everett Shinn (1873–1953)
Fifth Avenue APG 8779 1900
Julian Alden Weir (1852–1919)
Julian Alden Weir (1852–1919)
River Scene near Norwich, Connecticut APG 8683 c. 1910
JOHN WILLIAMSON (1826–1885), "A Fisherman," 1865. Oil on canvas, 15 1/2 x 11 1/2 in. (detail).
John Williamson (1826–1885)
A Fisherman APG 21180D.002 1865
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